Sunday, October 5, 2014

ban plastic grocery bags

May we know the common stores witch  typically ues plastic bags are grocery stores due to low their cost.  in the article ‘’Californiabecomes first U.S. state to ban plastic grocery bags’’ by Aaron Mendelson, Reuters. it stats ‘’ The law would ban grocery stores from handing out such bags with customers’’ so according for this article californa state Considered  first state will apply new law to ban plastic bags on grocery stores at July 2015. The target of new law that is reducing the average of pollution which plastic bags caused on near beaches or public place. Also, the people who seek to ues this kind of bags with their customers will be charge 10 cent  pre each bag . As result for that ban will facilitate the process of recycling and reduces the rate of pollution caused by plastic bags

1 comment:

  1. Many cities have banned plastic bags, but California is the first state to do so. What are your thoughts on the topic? I think it is a good thing. But the problem always comes from the companies that manufacture products like plastic bags. When such companies close down, many jobs are lost. This becomes an economic issue for the country. However, environmentally it is definitely a step in the right direction.
